Welcome to Backpoints!
If you have had problems with your back in the past there is a good chance you will have reoccurring problems in the future. This is the basic underlying theory behind and the major motivating force in the development of the Backpoints program. Therefore, look at the Backpoints program from a dual approach.
I. Prevention
If you do not have a history of any back pain, or problems, or if the problems you had were very minor and many years ago, this program will help eliminate the possibility of future problems. It may also decrease the severity of any problems that may occor or reoccur.
II. Therapy
If you have had an attack of back pain, muscle spasms, or other problems of the back and the program will be theraeutic. The major goal of this to help you relieve the pain as soon as possible, and help you get back to your regular activities as soon as possible.
BackPoints 26-Week Outline
1. Welcome to Backpoints 2. Sweet Slumber 3. Preventing Back Injury – Part One 4. Stage II Exercises 5. Back Magic Part One – Walking! 6. Preventing Back Injury – Part Two 7. Massage to Relieve Back Pain 8. Sitting Posture and Ergonomics 9. A Balancing Act 10. Around The House 11. Cycling 12. Stage III Exercises – The Gym 13. Strong Abs 14. Flexible Backs 15. Recap & Regroup 16. Yoga Postures Help with Back Pain 17. Back Magic Part Two - The Elliptical Trainer 18. Stage IV Exercises - The Gym 19. Just Relax! 20. The Treadmill 21. Get On The Ball! 22. Get Back on The Ball! 23. Weight Loss 24. Progress Update and Plan for the Future 25. Back to Basics - Review 26. Graduation & Celebration